Monday, October 27, 2014

Have a Happy Monday!

It struck me this morning while feeding my sweet little kitten how similar the relationship with God and us is similar to the relationship of  our pets. When we are hungry for the word and for God we will cry out to him and prayer just as my little kitten cries out to me mournfully for her food and or water when her bowl is empty.

In Philippians 4:19 the Bible says; 'And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Jesus Christ.'

God will never leave us, we just have to cry out! We have to ask for help because we can't do things by ourselves.

Thank you guys for reading, I hope you enjoyed this short post, and the picture of Rigby!

When I put Rigby's bowl where it is supposed to be and she jumped in between the box I was taking pictures on and the window and jumped into the hollow inside like she was mad at me! :D (The box is like her little house.)

 I look out side today and wad astonished at all the leaves that had fallen off the trees just this month!